Sunday Morning Worship - 9:30 am
Sunday school all ages 11am to 12 pm
Sunday Evening Worship - 6:00 pm
(No Evening Service for now - we will resume at a later date)
(During school year)
Wednesday AWANA 6:30 pm - 8 pm
Adult/Youth Study 6:45 pm - 8 pm
Weekday Hours
Please contact us for available times
Morning service begins at 9:30 am with adult, youth, and children's Sunday school hour at 11 am.
Our Sunday evening service begins at 6 pm. (No Evening Service for now - we will resume at a later date)
Be sure to check our Facebook page for any cancellations as well.

Holding forth the Word of life...
This site was designed with two basic goals. The first is to be pleasing and honoring to God. The second is to be a source of genuine encouragement and help to people. With this in mind, it is our desire that you know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We are committed to helping you know what it truly means to have a relationship with God through faith in Jesus and to enjoy all the blessings that flow from that relationship. The truth that leads us to such a relationship is "Simple Yet Profound". We encourage you to take the time to consider these things and your own standing before God.
We hope you find our site to be both helpful and enjoyable. If there is anything we can do to help you or your family, please let us know.
We extend to you an open invitation to worship with us on any Lord's Day. You are always welcome at Grace Baptist Church and we would appreciate the opportunity of meeting you. Thanks for visiting our site.

A good starting place to get to know us is our statement of essential beliefs, found here.
GBC is a Bible believing church. We believe that we are saved from sin by God’s grace alone, on the basis of Christ alone, received through faith alone, to the glory of God alone, with Scripture alone as the only, final, decisive, authority on truth.
Our worship is a blend of contemporary songs which are rich in Biblical truth, and traditional hymns. Each Lord's day, we do a balance of both styles, but our song choices are guided mainly by the following two criteria. #1 Is it Biblical? The lyrics must be consistent with what God's Word says. #2 Is it actually singable? Many popular songs are wonderful for private worship, but are not conducive to congregational singing.
GBC does have childcare during our services for ages 0-3.
The preaching of God's Word is the focus of our worship service. Our pastors preach expositionally, which means we usually work our way through entire books of the Bible, verse by verse. Occasionally, we will have a topical sermon, but we believe that the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12) This means we don't have to search for passages of scripture which fit the cultural context. All Scripture fits the cultural context!
Our morning service is followed by a brief fellowship time where we offer donuts, coffee and tea. At 11am, we offer Sunday school for all ages.
Our 6pm service is distinct from our morning service. Our evening service is usually more casual, but includes an observance of the Lord's Supper each week.
Pastor Lou Sloger
A member since 1995, Pastor Lou has been in the ministry since 1983. He has been pastoring at GBC since 1995. Lou and his wife, Melanie, have been married for over 30 years and have two adult sons. Lou is our primary preaching elder, and is mainly responsible for our missions efforts in Latin America.